If you want your breasts to be larger, shapelier, or more symmetrical, you’re in good company. Hundreds of thousands of women in the US each year enhance their breasts and their confidence with breast augmentation. Women visit Dr. Rebecca Garza for breast augmentation in Schererville from Munster, Crown Point, and other Indiana communities not only because she’s a board-certified female plastic surgeon, but because she’s earned a reputation for beautiful, natural-looking results. 

Your Breast Augmentation Consultation With Dr. Garza 

During your consultation, you can discuss your goals and expectations for surgery. Dr. Garza ensures that you understand her techniques and feel secure in your decision. She also encourages you to ask questions. Her answers help you understand the benefits of specific incision sites, implant types, and placement options. 

The consultation represents the first step toward successful results. Establishing a rapport early on helps you build the trust necessary to feel confident and excited about your procedure. As a female plastic surgeon, Dr. Garza understands that you may arrive feeling a little nervous about what to expect.  

She suggests that you make a list of questions or concerns in advance to ensure that you cover everything you want to address when you meet with her. Other tips that Dr. Garza has for your consultation include: 

  • Bring some “wish” photos that illustrate the look you hope to achieve with breast implants 
  • Be prepared to discuss your medical history, including any medications that you are currently taking 
  • Be ready for a limited physical examination 

At your consultation, Dr. Garza will review your breast implant options: from small to large, saline or silicone, low to high profile, and more. She will help you choose the combination that best provides the results you desire and is appropriate for your height and body type. An estimate showing the total cost of your procedure is prepared before you leave, with an explanation for each of the specific fees. 

Dr. Garza

Meet Your Surgeon,
Rebecca Garza, M.D.

Dr. Garza is one of the most accomplished female board-certified plastic surgeons in Indiana and the Chicagoland area. She completed elite fellowship training and is active in several prestigious professional associations, including the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, The Aesthetic Society, and the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery. She performs a full range of facial procedures, as well as breast enhancement and body contouring, all tailored to your personal needs.

More About Dr. Garza

Credentials You Can Trust

Dr. Garza Credentials

Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos  

In addition to sharing your “wish” photos, you will have an opportunity to view Dr. Garza’s gallery of breast augmentation before and after photos. By looking at real patient results, you can get a better sense of the excellent, natural-looking results that Dr. Garza achieves, plus understand how different implant options and placements can influence your final outcome. 

Breast Augmentation With Lift 

Dr. Garza frequently combines a breast augmentation with a breast lift for women who wish to correct sagging breasts and add volume at the same time. 

Breast augmentation with a simultaneous breast lift increases breast volume and reduces sag. It is commonly used to correct flat, deflated breasts and downward-pointing nipples—two issues that often present after pregnancy and breastfeeding. 

While breast augmentation enlarges the breasts with implants, a breast lift reshapes the breast tissue and raises the breasts into a more upright position. A breast augmentation alone may suffice for women who only need a subtle lift to correct a small degree of sag. However, more moderate or severe sagging require a lift. 

A Reputation Built on Results

A Reputation
Built on Results

Dr. Garza and her team are absolutely amazing. I had top surgery (double mastectomy) from her and am...
Dr. Garza and her team are incredible. I had a tummy tuck and hernia repair, and they answered all my...
Every encounter I’ve had with Dr. Garza has been exceptional. She is kind and patient while thoroughly...
Dr garza is truly a blessing to this region!! her skills are superior and she does amazing work!! So...

Breast Augmentation Incisions 

As a breast enhancement specialist, Dr. Garza has extensive experience performing breast augmentation. While she is experienced in a variety of techniques, she has determined that 2 incision options are preferable in the majority of cases: 

  • Periareolar incision: placed along the lower edge of the areola 
  • Inframammary incision: placed on the underside of the breast, immediately above the crease where the breast connects to the chest wall 

Why Dr. Garza Prefers the Inframammary Incision 

Dr. Garza prefers the inframammary incision for most patients because it is: 

  • Associated with a lower risk of capsular contracture, a complication that occurs when firm scar tissue forms around the implant 
  • Effective for both saline and silicone breast implants 
  • The best choice for women who are planning to breastfeed children in the future 

Dr. Garza places the incisions where they are concealed by the breast contours or natural changes in the skin in order to provide very natural-looking results. Regardless of their incision choice, patients typically find that the resulting breast augmentation scars are barely noticeable after healing. 

Breast Implant Placement 

During your breast augmentation, Dr. Garza can use either of the following placement options for the breast implants: 

  • Subglandular placement: the implant is placed under the breast tissue and on top of the chest muscle 
  • Submuscular placement: the implant is placed under the breast tissue and beneath the chest muscle 

Why Dr. Garza Prefers Submuscular Placement 

To create the most natural-looking results, Dr. Garza typically uses a submuscular implant placement. This technique generally leads to more beautiful, natural-looking results because the chest muscle provides an additional layer of coverage between the skin and the implant. Benefits include: 

  • Natural-looking, smooth transition from the collarbone to the breast 
  • Reduction in rippling and wrinkling of saline implants 
  • Additional support for the implant 
  • Enhanced results for patients with little existing breast tissue 
  • Reduced incidence of capsular contracture, a primary complication following breast augmentation 
  • Improved visualization of the breast tissue on mammograms 

Because Dr. Garza personalizes each breast augmentation procedure, she will review your options during your consultation and choose the technique best suited to you and the results you hope to attain. 

What To Expect From Your Breast Augmentation Procedure 

Dr. Garza usually uses general anesthesia for breast augmentation, meaning that you will be asleep for your surgery. She begins the procedure by making the incisions and creating a space called a pocket for each implant. 

After inserting the implants, Dr. Garza compares the breasts for symmetry and makes adjustments as necessary. To balance breast asymmetry, she may use different sizes of silicone implants or fill saline implants with different amounts of saline solution. 

Once the desired results are attained, Dr. Garza closes the incisions with fine sutures and protective surgical tape. The entire procedure takes about 1 hour to complete. 

Recovery From Breast Augmentation  

Dr. Garza performs breast augmentation as an outpatient procedure, so you will be able to go home the day of your procedure. You will be sent home wearing an elastic bra designed to reduce swelling and help with healing. Discomfort following surgery is treatable with oral medication. You can resume light activities such as showering, walking, and dressing yourself at your discretion, but remember to give yourself time to recover. Avoid raising your arms and lifting anything heavy for about the first 2 weeks. 

After the first week or 2, most patients can return to normal routine activities, including work. Within about 3 weeks, most women can resume more strenuous activity such as aerobic exercise. 

Keep in mind that a combined breast surgery usually requires more recovery time than a single procedure. This combination may also require drainage tubes to reduce fluid accumulation and swelling. 

We will provide you with more specific post-op instructions prior to your surgery. 

Breast Augmentation FAQs 

How do silicone breast implants differ from saline? 

The first difference is texture; silicone has a doughy, natural feel. With that said, if saline implants are placed beneath the muscle, they also can have a more natural look and feel that is comparable to silicone. The second difference is cost; silicone is more expensive than saline.  

Third is scarring; the incision (and resulting scar) for silicone implants is slightly longer as the implants are pre-filled at the time of insertion. Finally, gel-filled implants may carry a slightly higher risk of producing capsular contracture, a breast augmentation complication that may require a secondary procedure to correct. The important thing to remember is that you have options, and Dr. Garza will guide you to make the best decision for you. 

Will my breast implants need to be replaced after a certain period of time? 

There are few indications for replacing breast implants beyond personal preference. Of course, if an implant ruptures or is found to be leaking, then replacement is warranted. Also, an implant should be replaced when removing scar tissue resulting from capsular contracture. 

Most women enjoy their implants for 10 to 15 years before electing to replace them for a newer set or exchanging them for implants that are more in line with their updated aesthetic preferences. 

Are breast implants safe? 

You may remember that silicone implant availability was restricted in the United States for several years amid safety concerns. After 14 years of additional research, the FDA found there was no evidence that the devices caused additional health risks for women.  

Silicone gel breast implants have since been declared safe and effective by the FDA for all women over the age of 22. Similarly, saline implants have been used for many years in both cosmetic and reconstructive breast procedures with an extremely high degree of safety and a minimal complication rate. 

You have a choice of breast implants, each with its own advantages. Dr. Garza is ready to help you evaluate your options and decide which type is right for you. 

Trust a Female Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
for Your Breast Augmentation

If you live in Northwest Indiana and are considering breast augmentation, a consultation with a female board-certified plastic surgeon is the best place to start. Request a consultation with Dr. Rebecca Garza using the online form or schedule an appointment by calling (219) 322-3131
